About Us
The Graveyard Net • 6–8am Eastern time • 3.967 MHz, STARTED in 1954

A Friendly Net
We meet here every day of the year from 6am to 8am Eastern time on 3.967 MHz.
We are one of the oldest nets on the HF bands and we are a friendly net. You do not have to be a member to check in — everyone is welcome to join us each morning. Get your mug of coffee and tune in for some great conversation.
Before 6:00 AM
Our Pre-Net starts anywhere between 4am and 6am on 3.967 MHz. This period is an open discussion (“rag chew”) among the early birds, as well as a chance to wish the few on air a general good morning.
The actual net starts at 6am with the Net Controller reading the Graveyard Net Preamble. They will ask a volunteer to give The Pledge of Allegiance.
The Net Controller will now call for check-ins. After the new call signs are recorded on NetLogger the Net Controller will go down the list of call signs in order, with priority going to:
- Mobiles
- Short Time
- Traffic
The Net Controller will break periodically calling for new check-ins as the net progresses.

At 7am, the Net Controller asks for the Thought of the Day, usually given by Vernon (W4THN), Jim (KC2VMF), Paul (KB3OXJ) Elaine (KA1TWV) or Frank (AA2XB). The Net Controller will then continue with the controlled format.
At approximately 8am, the Net Controller will call for any final check-ins and announce the closing of the net. They will then close NetLogger and return the frequency to regular amateur radio use.
- We ask that operators refrain from talking about religion or politics for obvious reasons.
- We also ask that those using tuners, please go off frequency a few KHz or use lower power so as not to interfere with current broadcasts.
Thank you. Please enjoy the net and return often!